I am a second-year MS student at DI LAB, as advised by Professor Hwanjo Yu at POSTECH, Pohang University of Science and Technology.

I’m interested in NLP, especially in parametric knowledge of LLMs.

Especially understanding (Evaluation on benchmark, membership attacking), unlocking (In-context learning, SFT, alignment learning), and expanding (Continual learning) their parametric knowledge to meet ultimate human needs.

Check out my and my teammate’s PaperReview and BlogPost here!

===================================== CV =====================================


================================== LINKEDIN ==================================



MS in Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, POSTECH. (2023.02 – 2025.02)

Bachelor's degree in Hotel &Tourism Management, Sejong University.(2017- 2023) (GPA: 4.37/4.5, Summa Cum Laude)

International Student in School of Hotel and Tourism Managment HongKong Polytechnic University (2018.09-2018.12)

